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What is Business Incubator?

Definition and meaning of Business Incubator:

biz·nuhs ing·kyuh·bay·tuh

A business incubator is a program that helps early-stage startups develop their ideas, create a business model, and find how to monetize it.

To get into an accelerator, startups only need an idea and some proof they can bring this idea to life. These startups compete to get into a business accelerator.

Think of it as a program that provides an egg with what it needs to hatch. Incubators provide office spaces, access to mentorship and training, and sometimes financial support.

The goal is to help startups grow and scale by providing them with the tools to succeed.

Incubator programs usually run for six months or a year. At the end of the program, startups pitch their business to accelerator programs or investors.


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