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What is Ecommerce?

Definition and meaning of Ecommerce:

Ecommerce (electronic commerce) is a process of doing business on the internet. In other words doing marketing, sales, and providing service/support through the web.

Why is ecommerce important?

We live in a phygital (physical & digital) world. So the internet plays a massive role in how people discover and buy products.

Whether you’re in B2B or B2C markets, selling products or services, ecommerce is a great way to do business. It lets you connect with people, influence buying decisions, and sell 24/7.

Compared to traditional marketing, like radio, TV, and print, ecommerce is more time and cost-efficient. It provides a wide range of tools like analytics and audience targeting. So you can launch products, test campaigns, and get results in hours or days.


You can spell it as “eCommerce” or “e-commerce,” but it’s better to spell “ecommerce.”


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