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What is Heat Map?

Definition and meaning of Heat Map:

A heat map on a website is a graphical representation that you can use to track visitor behavior.

It’s essential to detect what works and doesn’t on your website or a product page.

A heat map can be created in two ways:

  1. Manually recording the number of clicks on each section of the site
  2. Using an automated system that tracks website visitors automatically.

Heat maps can be used for many purposes, including:

  • Improving SEO by highlighting the most popular pages.
  • Tracking visitor behavior, such as bounce rate and time on site.
  • Gauging audience interest through color coding.

Heat maps have data that is depicted by hot and cold colors.

Hot color (reddish) shows elements where people look or click the most, and cold color (blue) shows the least clickable and viewed elements.


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