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We've updated our brand identity. Learn more

Branding – Exomz

Who is Exomz

Exomz is an online learning platform that helps students study, pass tests, and get better marks. They offer parallel courses, crash courses, private tutoring, and extensive exam preparation.




Toronto, Canada


What we did

Project goal

To create a flexible brand identity that conveys a positive and cheerful atmosphere, builds recognition, and stands out from the noise.


We’ve created a vibrant, playful, and modern brand identity.

It creates a memorable and entertaining atmosphere, conveys trust & value, makes a solid first impression, and evokes positive emotions among students.

The brand guidelines reduce design efforts and ensure the branding is used consistently across all mediums – from digital to stationary.


  • Brand Strategy
  • Positioning
  • Competitive Research
  • Naming
  • Copywriting
  • Brand Identity Design
  • Stationary Design

Key site features

Key e-commerce features

Customer feedback

Gazizoff Digital is a hidden gem

I only wish I had met Bulat sooner. Bulat not only helped me building our platform, and also gave tons of advice when I ask for his consultation on our marketing strategy and I could tell he was genuinely concerned with my problems, unlike many other agencies which only gave minimal amount of infomation and wanted you to pay for their services without even understanding your true issues. Gazizoff Digital is a hidden gem!

Lucas W.

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