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Sales page and Paid Media – Rastrelli

Who is Rastrelli

Rastrelli is a world-renowned cello quartet based out of Germany. They tour the world as well as play locally at the greatest concert halls, including the Gasteig in Munich, Berlin Philharmony, Konzerthaus in Vienna.




Toronto, Canada



What we did

Project goal

To sell the remaining 60% tickets a week before the concert.


We’ve created a simple yet thought-out landing page and employed a sophisticated Facebook advertising campaign.

The result is a simple yet beautiful designed landing page, launched a Facebook advertising campaign, and sold the needed amount of seats(with a better cost per acquisition).


  • Copywriting
  • Ad Creative Design
  • Landing Page Design

Key site features

  • Powerful dashboard
  • Powerful website builder
  • Custom design
  • Intuitive navigation
  • Clear copy
  • Mobile responsiveness
  • Search engine friendly
  • Powerful hosting
  • Bullet-proof security
  • Site analytics
  • Fast load speed & performance
  • Third-party integrations
  • Cross-browser support

Key e-commerce features

Customer feedback


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