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Stationary – RK Centre

Who is RK Centre

RK Medical Aesthetic Centre is a premium non-invasive cosmetology and dermatology clinic in Yorkville, Toronto. They use innovative technology in the fields of rejuvenation and anti-aging.


Professional Services


Toronto, Canada


What we did

Project goal

To design a prestigious, elegant, and sophisticated set of stationary.


We’ve created beautiful, minimalistic, and stylish stationary for RK Centre. It looks and feels solid and soft to the touch.

The material is made of a thick touché paper yet feels almost like velvet.


  • Brand Strategy
  • Positioning
  • Competitive Research
  • Copywriting
  • Brand Identity Design
  • Statinary Design

Key site features

Key e-commerce features

Customer feedback

I had the entrusted them with all of our marketing

In my 40+ years of experience running businesses I have seen many agencies, but never one like Gazizoff Digital. I am truly impressed with their work ethic, quality of services, reliability, and professionalism. My clinic is not easy to work with; we are spontaneous, energetic, very specific, and very picky. This is why we require fast, reliable and creative solutions. After only 2 months of working with them, I had the entrusted them with all of our marketing needs. We have been working with them since then(2014) and I cannot be happier.

Rufina K.
RK Medical Aesthetic Centre

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