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What is OBL: Outbound Link?

Definition and meaning of OBL: Outbound Link:

Outbound links (OBL) are links from your website to another website.

These links have two main reasons:

  1. They help to improve your site’s link popularity, which increases search engine rankings.
  2. They can help to send referral traffic to the linked site.

But, it’s essential to use outbound links sparingly and only link to high-quality websites. Too many outbound links can hurt your site’s SEO.

Websites can earn outbound links in 2 ways:

  • Directly linking to other sites – in other words, “backlink.” It’s when someone clicks on your page and lands on another page with your link.
  • Using social media. When you share articles on Twitter or Facebook, you’re indirectly asking people to share your content on their own sites.

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